
  • 港媒:李克强左右不讨好

    投射在大银幕上的李克强在香港访问时候的演讲。 (图片来源:Getty images)





    8月18日李克强在港大演讲时,最后以英文作结尾。在中国大陆的大陆互联网上,有一些“网民”对此进行抨击,并称他是“戈尔巴乔夫”式的人物。 戈尔巴乔夫是苏共末代总书记,在中共官方内部和中共的宣传中都一直对戈尔巴乔夫相当忌讳。

    网上的评论称,“在一个前殖民地,用前殖民地宗主国的语言谄媚众人,这应该是打工者给老板做的事,曾特首给自己的定位是打工仔。”“这种表演,在民主选举制度下,既不能取悦自己的选民,并且犯了严重的政治不正确,见过法国总统跑到都德(Alphonse Daudet)的故乡讲德语吗?”有网民更说,“还要学葡萄牙语,去澳门用啊。”“建议李克强同志现在开始学日文,保不准哪天在台湾就用得上了”。








    中港台时间: 2011-08-24 07:47:09 AM 【万年历】
    本文网址: http://cn.epochtimes.com/gb/11/8/24/n3352806.htm港媒-李克强左右不讨好

  • 大陆文人讽中共外交:挺谁

    2011年8月22日,土耳其伊斯坦堡的利比亚领事馆外,利比亚人民高举旗庆祝(AFP/Getty Images)



    中共报导有强烈倾向性 愚弄中国人














    中国走向真正自由民主 老百姓觉醒



    中港台时间: 2011-08-24 13:16:04 PM 【万年历】
    本文网址: http://cn.epochtimes.com/gb/11/8/24/n3353034.htm大陆文人讽中共外交-挺谁谁死

  • 历史今日:老舍投湖 中共凌

    中国著名作家老舍在文革中不堪凌辱, 投湖自尽。图为老舍在写作。(网络图片)

    历史今日:老舍投湖 中共凌辱中华精神贵族






    1930年,老舍回到中国,先后在山东济南齐鲁大学和青岛山东大学任教, 1936年辞职,从事专业写作。在山东这段时期,他先后创作了《大明湖》、《我这一辈子》和《骆驼祥子》等作品。






















    不堪凌辱 投湖自尽
















    当时有几句鼓励人们鸣放的说词,叫做“不揪辫子、不打棍子、不戴帽子、决不秋后算帐”。结果一场反右斗争划定了55万名“右派份子”。27万人失去公职。 23万被定为“中右份子”和“反党、反社会主义分子”。















    中国文化的断层 精神贵族无存








    中港台时间: 2011-08-24 23:59:50 PM 【万年历】
    本文网址: http://cn.epochtimes.com/gb/11/8/24/n3353454.htm历史今日-老舍投湖-中共凌辱中华精神贵族

  • At US Universities, Confucius Institutes Import Discrimination

    At US Universities, Confucius Institutes Import Discrimination

    Chinese regime bars members of spiritual practice

    By Matthew Robertson
    Epoch Times Staff
    Created: Aug 23, 2011Last Updated: Aug 24, 2011
    Print | E-mail to a friend | Give feedback
    Related articles: United States > National News

    People walk past the Pace University in Manhattan. The associate-director at the Confucius Institute at Pace University said the Chinese regime has a “right to ban” Falun Gong practitioners from volunteering at the Institute. (AMAL CHEN/THE EPOCH TIMES)
    Bright young graduates in China are being recruited to come teach in the United States as volunteers. Ideally they should have excellent Chinese language skills, a friendly manner, be able to sing, play an instrument, and have good grades. Oh, and they’re not allowed to believe in Falun Gong.

    The discriminatory hiring policy applies to all Chinese who would volunteer at Confucius Institutes (CI) in the United States. CIs are nonprofit language and cultural schools funded and supervised by China’s communist regime; they are set up in American universities in partnership with universities in China.

    The discriminatory hiring policy is posted in English on the website that oversees the CIs, the “Chinese Language Council International,” commonly known as the Hanban.

    In the third “basic qualification” it says volunteers must be “Aged between 22 to 60, physical and mental healthy, no record of participation in Falun Gong and other illegal organizations, and no criminal record.” http://www.chinese.cn/hanban_en/node_9806.htm

    The Hanban is currently led by Liu Yandong, a member of the Chinese Communist Party’s powerful Politburo. Her previous assignment was to head up the United Front Work Department, a communist alliance- and front-building agency that dates back to the Chinese civil war.

    In interviews with half a dozen officers at CIs in universities around the United States, directors and senior staff members had mostly not heard of the policy. But when it was explained to them, they did not seem particularly fazed by it.

    “With our partnership with Xiamen and Hanban, we have volunteers coming from both resources,” said Anne Chu of the San Diego State University Confucius Institute, which has a partnership with Xiamen University.

    She did not know of the discriminatory hiring policy, and said she would “rather not address this issue.” Being in the United States, Chu certainly would not discriminate against, or even ask about, a job candidate’s beliefs, she said.

    But as for the discrimination in China, she said: “It’s not our policy to judge or even to comment on the reason … I don’t think you can use American standards to make any judgment.

    “Are you able to use your standard to judge any other foreign country’s policy? I don’t think it’s fair.”

    The associate-director at the Confucius Institute at Pace University in New York held a similar view on the matter. “They send them to us,” said Yan Yuzhou, who is an employee of Pace University. “You know, volunteers from China, the Chinese government has a right to ban them, I think.”

    Ms. Yan said that it was better to “increase an understanding of the culture” rather than focus on what she regards as political issues.

    “If people believe in Falun Gong, it’s their choice,” said Rachel Zeng of the Nebraska-Lincoln University Confucius Institute. “If the Chinese government is against it, it’s their policy.”

    Anti-Discrimination Laws

    But when that policy violates fundamental U.S. principles, and applies to people working at institutions in the United States, the problem is more complex than that, according to experts interviewed for this article.

    None of the nine Confucius Institutes around the United States contacted by The Epoch Times expressed their disapproval or disagreement with the policy. There are 68 of them in the United States in total, according to one official website. http://confuciusinstitute.unl.edu/institutes.shtml#United_States

    “What this comes down to is whether or not the Confucius Institute is an act of the sovereign,” said Marci Hamilton, Paul R. Verkuil Chair in Public Law at Yeshiva University in New York City.

    Since CIs are not, unlike Chinese Embassies, acts of a sovereign subject to Chinese laws, as private entities they are subject to anti-discrimination laws in the United States, Hamilton said.

    “It’s so blatant,” she continued. “It’s unethical and illegal in the free world. The notion that in the United States or Canada we tolerate conduct simply because it originates in another country is false.”

    Two ways that Hamilton suggested the law could be enforced in this case are an investigation by the United States Justice Department or a private lawsuit from an individual who was discriminated against.

    The latter is unlikely since Falun Gong has been persecuted in China since 1999. The spiritual practice involves practicing five meditative exercises and living according to the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. As the practice exploded in popularity in the 1990s, the then-head of the CCP, Jiang Zemin, came to fear it as a competitor with the Communist Party for the hearts of the Chinese people.

    According to the Falun Dafa Information Center, hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been sent to labor camps and jails. There, they are subject to often brutal measures to force them to recant their faith. The Information Center can confirm over 3,400 deaths, but believes the true death toll is in the tens of thousands. The discriminatory hiring policy can be understood as an extension of this campaign.

    A spokesperson with the Department of Justice, Xochitl Hinojosa, declined to comment on whether the department had heard of the case or was investigating it.

    The legal question is complicated by the fact that it all takes place in China, according to Bryan Edelman, a trial consultant who has also written academic papers analyzing the legality of the Chinese state’s campaign against Falun Gong.

    “I am not sure how the U.S. Courts would have jurisdiction over the hiring practices of a Chinese institution on Chinese soil hiring non-U.S. citizens,” he wrote in an email.

    Outside of the academy, in the offices of advocates for religious freedom, and on the airwaves used by popular commentators, the policy is seen as religious discrimination, plain and simple.

    “It’s just appalling. They’re using them [CIs] for soft power, to spread propaganda, and to stop the truth about the CCP from getting out,” said Faith McDonnell, Director of Religious Liberty Programs at the Institute on Religion and Democracy.

    Ezra Levant, a conservative commentator who hosts the Prime Time program on the Sun News website in Canada, kicked it up a notch with a provocative comparison.

    “That would be like saying: ‘No Jews Allowed.’ That would be like if in the 1930s if we had a German Institute in universities saying you have to be healthy, 22 to 60, and ‘No Jews Allowed.’”

  • Girl Holds Umbrella for Disabled Old Beggar in Rainstorm

    Girl Holds Umbrella for Disabled Old Beggar in Rainstorm

    A young Chinese girl holds an umbrella for an old disabled beggar during a rainstorm.

    A girl in pink holds an umbrella for a disabled elderly person.

    From Sina:

    Girl who holds umbrella for a disabled beggar during a rainstorm ignites discussion

    In the middle of a rainstorm, a thin frail girl held an umbrella for a handicapped old beggar as half of her body became soaked. This scene doesn’t just happen in novels. Recently, a netizen in Suzhou happened to capture such a precious moment with his camera. These photos attracted many netizens, with the number of hits exceeding 24,000, even being promoted to the homepage of XiCi. Netizens have one after another praised the girl as being the most beautiful scene in middle of the rainstorm. According to this Express reporter’s investigations, the very first person to post these photos is Fengniao netizen “金桥tj” who upon recalling the circumstances of the moment said: “After holding the umbrella [for the old beggar] and coming back, I think the girl cried.”

    If you know this beautiful girl, please call 96060 or send a private message through Sina Weibo to Modern Express and tell us who she is.

    An old beggar on a small wooden plank crawls home in the rain while a young girl holds an umbrella shielding him from the rain.

    A girl in pink holds an umbrella for a disabled elderly person, the girl already thoroughly soaked.

    A Chinese girl holds a purple umbrella for a disabled beggar during a rainstorm.

    A girl in pink holds an umbrella for a disabled elderly person, while a uniformed man looks on from the side in the photo.

    A girl walks beside a disabled beggar crawling home on a makeshift wooden cart in the rain.

    The girl’s clothes were already thoroughly soaked.

    From NetEase:

    Girl completely soaked holding umbrella to shield beggar from the rain

    There are a total of 4 photos in this set, and the poster is XiCi netizen “林听海安”. In his post, he wrote: “As a result of a sudden rainstorm, a disabled person struggled helplessly in the rain when a beautiful girl carrying an umbrella rushed into the rainstorm to give concern and care for the disabled person, and even though this umbrella was completely incapable of shielding him, and the girl herself was completely soaked from the rain, she still became the most beautiful scene of the rainstorm.

    This reporter saw from the photos that it was raining especially heavy at the time and a beggar with a crippled leg was slowly moving himself on a small wooden cart. Seeing this, a country girl in a pink shirt holding a light purple umbrella in her hand rushed into the rain to hold the umbrella for the beggar. Helpless, the umbrella was completely incapable of shielding against the heavy downpour. In the photos, it can be seen that the umbrella in the girl’s hand was already completely slanted towards the beggar, while her own clothes were already completely drenched from the rainwater.

    Comments from Mop:


    Should be ding‘d. In this numb society, and even though I don’t do good deeds, I still hope there can be more people like this.


    There are still lots of good people, it’s just that sometimes good people are afraid to be good people.


    A girl who moves people’s hearts, a uniformed man who makes people outraged.


    Marry her, there aren’t a lot of this kind of woman left, while women corrupted by money-worship/gold-digging are too many.


    If we can remove the possibility of this being someone just putting on a show and it is truly and completely someone with a good heart doing a good deed, then maybe this world is still a very warm place.


    For society to still have this kind of beautiful soul, ding this up!

    Comments from Sina:


    Such a good girl, to marry this kind of wife would be extremely lucky.


    The girl did a good thing.
    However, this clearly is a publicity stunt,
    the photos show that they were taken from two completely opposite angles.
    The photographer, after taking photos from one side of the street, braving the heavy rain, then runs to the opposite side of the street to take pictures?


    The person taking the photographs, you are truly shameless! Why didn’t you go help the elderly person at the time. For you to notice but not go and help, you are even more shameless than the person in uniform!


    Time to yell at people. The photographer is capturing beauty and kindness to share with the world’s people, are we not supposed to say to him “thanks”? When battlefield reporters crawl on the ground taking photos instead of charging forth carrying a gun, can you say he is shameless?


    Sigh! People’s thinking these days are too complex. Why is it that the first thing many people think of is that it is a publicity stunt, and not that what they are seeing is a girl holding an umbrella for a disabled beggar!


    No matter what, the girl is kind-hearted. With that many people around who see an elderly person with difficulty moving being soaked by rain without going over to help, its truly quite cold and indifferent. [Examples of] good mentality ought to be promoted.


    Thank you, good girl! What you held up was not an umbrella, but a sliver of hope for all people trapped in a rainstorm, shining a bit of light for a society caught precariously in a raging storm! May all people who are on the lowest level of society caught in the midst of a rainstorm have this kind of umbrella.


    There will be a day when Chinese people will look back and find the things that we have lost…

    The complete set of photos on Fengniao:

    An old disabled beggar caught in a rainstorm in China.

    A young girl runs out into the rain with an umbrella to help the handicapped beggar.

    A Chinese girl holds an umbrella for a rain-drenched disabled beggar.

    A young Chinese girl holds an umbrella for a crippled beggar in a rainstorm, becoming soaked herself.

    A girl moves Chinese netizens after photographs of her selflessly helping a handicapped beggar in a rainstorm.

    Chinese netizens are touched by a series of photos where a young girl selflessly aids a disabled beggar during a heavy rainstorm.

    A Chinese girl selfishly holds an umbrella for a disabled old beggar in a downpour.

    A girl holds an umbrella for a disabled beggar caught in a downpour.

    A girl helps an old beggar get out from under the rain by holding an umbrella for him.

    A girl holds an umbrella for a crippled beggar rolling himself through the heavy rain.

    A girl holds an umbrella for a disabled beggar during a rainstorm, impressing many Chinese netizens.

    A young girl holds an umbrella for an old Chinese beggar during a rainstorm.

    Heavy rains in China.

    A rainy street scene in China.

    The girl returns after helping the old beggar.

    The Chinese girl returns after holding an umbrella for an old disabled beggar during a rainstorm.

    The young girl cries with her friends.

    The girl and her friends leave the scene.

    The young Chinese girl with a purple umbrella.



  • Migrant Workers Children Spend Childhood Scavenging Landfill

    Migrant Workers Children Spend Childhood Scavenging Landfill

    A little Chinese girl helping her parents scavenge a Guiyang garbage dump for salvage and recyclables.

    From NetEase:

    Guiyang migrant worker children spend their days scavenging garbage dumps

    Guiyang Gaoyan Garbage Landfill, is Guizhou province’s first and largest municipal landfill. Around it live over a hundred migrant worker households who scavenge the garbage for a living. It is on these garbage heaps that the children of these migrant workers spend their childhood.

    A three-member family that lives here, who spend 8 hours every day scavenging from the garbage, their income only 700-800 yuan every month, only enough to maintain the lowest standard of living. So the children here, as small as six to seven years old, all spend their time outside of school following the adults in scavenging on the garbage piles for “treasures” that can be recycled or sold, to reduce the financial burden in their households.

    A little Chinese child scavenging for salvage and recyclables in a Guiyang landfill.

    During the school year, they will work at the garbage dump from when school is out until eight or nine at night before going home. During the summer break, the older children will enter the garbage dump at dusk and work until the next morning before leaving. Photo is of a child scavenging in the garbage dump.

    Migrant worker children living around a garbage dump in Guiyang, China.

    In order to save on rent, the families here often live four to five people in a 10-something square meter house, with the empty space being piled full of garbage. Without any disinfectant measures and long-term exposure to garbage has greatly increased the chances of the children suffering infectious diseases. Photo is of several children sitting on a salvaged sofa.

    A small Chinese girl doing her homework beside a pile of garbage bags in Guiyang.

    These children live on the city’s fringes, in bad living conditions, with extremely poor family situations, usually entering school very late, some only entering school at 11-12 years of age, while others don’t even have the opportunity to go to school at all. Due to the lack of education and life skills, of these children who spend their childhood years growing up in the garbage dump, some have already dropped out of school while others have already “taken the occupation of their fathers”. Photo is of a small girl doing her homework beside a pile of garbage bags near the entrance to her home.

    A baby on the back of her mother, a Chinese migrant worker who scavenges for recyclables and anything that can be sold from a landfill in Guiyang.

    A child sleeping on her mother’s back. Due to not having anyone to take care of them, some children spend their days on their mothers’ backs in the garbage dump from the moment they are born.

    A mother and three children on their way to scavenge for recyclables and anything that can be sold for money from Guiyang's largest garbage dump.

    Photo is of a mother taking three children to go scavenge garbage.

    Guiyang migrant worker children playing outside their home next to a garbage landfill.

    Photo is of several children playing in front of her home.

    Comments from NetEase:

    圣o仙芙 [网易云南省昆明市网友]:

    Seeing these children’s disappointing lives, I don’t believe in anything anymore, I just want to swear/curse! I just want to swear/curse!!!

    你那里还疼吗 [网易江西省南昌市网友]:

    Their homes are really dirty, their clothes are really dirty, their entire bodies are dirty, but their hearts are very pure. May you grow up happily.

    巾国屁民 [网易广东省网友]:

    On this magical land, the lives of the rabble are so harsh!

    yueraa [网易辽宁省沈阳市网友]:

    These children may spend their entire lives without being able to ride the high-speed trains, drink Maotai, nor will they be able to take out money to donate to the Red Cross Society. Their hearts are indeed pure, not feeling that what happens to them is unfair, quietly accepting their reality, while us bystanders can only express indignation towards the unfairness in this society. This kind of news should be reported more, so that everyone will pay more attention to these children.
    Those in support please ding this more.


    Even though it is a little extreme, to have such harsh lives and wanting this many children only to have them suffer after being born is also a kind of irresponsibility [by the parents]!


    If the child doing her homework can be found, I’m willing to financially aid her education and living expenses…

    wangyinqing [网易陕西省咸阳市网友]:

    If these photos weren’t in color, people would think they were pre-Liberation scenes!


    Take a portion of the money invested in the Universiade to go help them. It will improve things a lot, at least stop them from dropping out of school… Children are hope…

    真成功 [网易广东省河源市网友]:

    The Shenzhen Universiade cost 200 billion yuan.

    royxiaowei [网易山东省临沂市网友]:

    When I was small, my older sister, younger brother, and I also scavenged garbage for money during winter and summer breaks… That was 20 years ago… To see that children are still spending their childhood in such a manner is truly heartbreaking…

    网易上海市网友 [向小孩学习]:

    When it comes to the people’s lives, they [the government] says there is no money. When it comes to face, hundreds of billions can be spent. All without blinking.

    ghjchengjian [网易陕西省汉中市汉台区网友]:

    With this kind of news, the wumao will have selective blindness.

    xxnjy88 [网易河南省网友]:

    Just one Universiade lunchbox is enough for the poor little girl to live for a month!!!!!


    Other than their skin [color] being different from children in Uganda, their experiences are the same. Stop using sympathetic words to go describe African refugees, take a look at our own children.

    wlf1272146476 [网易安徽省合肥市网友]:

    When I see how we still have so many children who can’t afford to go to school or enough to eat and yet we’re giving Africa several billion or several hundred billion to hold the Universiade, I can’t help but say that I am indeed an American running dog.




  • Ten-Year-Old’s Heartbreaking Cry for Justice Muted by Chinese Censors

    Ten-Year-Old’s Heartbreaking Cry for Justice Muted by Chinese Censors

    By Jerry Li & Gary Pansey
    Epoch Times Staff
    Created: Aug 23, 2011Last Updated: Aug 23, 2011
    Print | E-mail to a friend | Give feedback
    Related articles: China > Democracy and Human Rights

    Sobbing 10-year-old child holds the funerary photo of her father, Huang Guohui. (Weibo.com)

    A young girl’s plea for justice following her father’s suspicious death in police custody reverberated through the Chinese Internet earlier this month, drawing tens of thousands of sympathetic responses and reposts on a Chinese blog portal in a matter of hours.

    The 10-year-old child, calling herself “Helpless Yuan-Yuan,” posted an online message on the afternoon of Sunday, Aug. 14, asking readers to forward her message chronicling her father’s journey from a wildlife reserve to the morgue and to pressure the police into revealing the details surrounding his death.

    “On the morning of Aug. 12, my father, Huang Guohui, accidentally trespassed onto the Datian Nature Reserve in Hainan Province,” she wrote. “After a quarrel, he was taken to a police station. Two hours later he died in the interrogation room, covered with wounds.”

    Her post immediately stirred strong concern from other bloggers and her message was reposted by more than 200,000 users.

    But just a few hours later, the “helpless Yuan-Yuan” blog account and its messages were deleted in a likely act of censorship to quell discourse over alleged police brutality.

    The official police record claims that Huang “committed suicide in the interrogation room by hanging himself.”

    Huang’s family has rejected that contention and maintains that the dubious circumstances surrounding the case point to foul play by the police.

    After being informed of Huang’s death, his younger brother and father hurried to Datian to investigate the sudden news and saw that the feet, legs, forehead, and shoulders of Huang’s corpse were all bruised. The police offered the explanation that the marks were caused post-mortem.

    Huang’s brother also found it suspicious that the police did not promptly provide a video of what actually happened.

    “I could not see the front of the person’s face on the recording from the hidden camera, only part of the feet. When I arrived I asked to see the video and my brother’s remains but they delayed it for two days before letting me seeing it, so they surely had enough time to doctor a recording,” he recalls. “I suspect that they faked the recording.”

    He also noted that all of Huang Guohui’s personal belongings, such as his money and a gold necklace, had been taken away.

    When The Epoch Times contacted the police station, the officer on duty would only say that his chief was in a meeting and the facts were not clear. He said to contact the municipal police department, but somebody there said it was not a convenient time to accept an interview.

    Huang Guohui’s brother has taken to cyberspace to voice his cause, even posting on behalf of his niece Yuan-Yuan’s blog.

    But authorities have been doggedly pursuing Huang Guohui’s brother—both online and off—to stifle his outspoken criticism of what he believes is Huang’s mistreatment in police detention.

    “My [blog] post online has been blocked since [Aug 21]. Some officials threatened me and said that what I did was illegal and I could be arrested,” he said.

    “At present I cannot use the computer and phone in the hotel. My whereabouts are being monitored and somebody will follow me when I go outside.”

  • 伸张正义:中共又准备下山











    中港台时间: 2011-08-23 06:26:33 AM 【万年历】
    本文网址: http://cn.epochtimes.com/gb/11/8/23/n3351722.htm伸张正义-中共又准备下山摘桃子了!

  • 鲜为人知:毛泽东天安门接

    鲜为人知:毛泽东天安门接见红卫兵 出现惊人一幕
    打印版 阿波罗新闻网2011-08-20讯】 






    这次活动的中心内容是林彪讲话。讲话一开头,他就代表毛泽东和党中央宣布支持红八月暴力。中央人民广播电台对此作了现场直播。所以广场上好多大喇叭。林彪声嘶力竭的讲话 -他也是个病人,好像服了兴奋剂似的- 就从多个大喇叭一起放出来,听着就像好多流氓打群架一样,那天的气氛就很不对头的。



    那时候公检法还没被砸烂。据北京市公安局统计:从8月20日到9月底40天里,被打死的有名有姓的北京市民和教师有 1772人,就是每天44个人(哽咽)…死在红卫兵皮带下。最残酷的暴力集中在其所高干子女所在的中学,包括宋彬彬、刘婷婷、邓榕所在的师大女附中,以及清华附中、北大附中,薄熙来所在的北京四中,美国红卫兵卡玛所在的101中。还有我的母校北外附中,本来是凭分录取,后来沦为外交部子弟学校,在红八月里,有3名教过我的老师被红卫兵活活打死。 (哽咽)























    那时候在德国出席那了一批六八年人。拿着小红书,德文版的上街游行示威,上街扔石头。还有一批人,直接就称自己是红卫兵,原文其实是‘红卫兵分部’(RAF,Rote Armee Fraktion),后来由德文翻成中文却成了‘红军旅’。这个红卫兵分部就是一个纯粹的暴力恐怖组织。他们的任务就是按照名单去杀人,去杀政要,杀经济界的银行行长,杀检查院院长,雇主协会会长,他们的任务就是去杀人,这就是德国的红卫兵干的事。所以八一八是中国暴力的根源,八一八也是从那以后世界暴力的根源,那些毛分子,那些马列主义分子,那些各种各样的红卫兵,红色高棉,把人头骨头堆成墙。”

    毛泽东检阅红卫兵 专车曾突然抛锚(1966-8-31)中间林彪后面是毛泽东的脸




    阿波罗网责任编辑:zhongkang         来源:DW

  • 面粉中加增白剂被禁 直接加

    面粉中加增白剂被禁 直接加在馒头里

    2011年8月23日 星期二 节目长度:2分47秒 下载mp3(16k) | (128k)










    希望之声国际广播电台记者林莉 唐燕采访报道
